Private Collection
Sea Wench and High Clouds
oil on canvas panel, 8"x 8"
Home and land locked once again. I feel I've been robbed of a dimension. Although I haven't been much of a plein air painter I bought a portable easel and paintbox to carry with me on vacation. This is the first painting produced on my new contraption. This view, although it changes all the time with the weather and the presence or absence of boats on their moorings, is one slice of the panorama that greets us whenever we look out a window or step outside our once a year home away from home.
I love it! I can smell the sea air, and hear the ocean.
Hi Shannon - I love it too! I've never seen you do landscapes before. You should definitely do more.
Thanks Erin and Norm
I have big plans for my portable easel, so you will be seeing more landscapes.
you need to bring your portable easel to visit me. I can promise you lots of beautiful landscapes.
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