This quick ink drawing--inspired by my cat when he was young--is pinned on my studio wall. When I saw the topic for this week's Illustration Friday I decided to take it off the wall and post it here and there.
Posted by
Shannon Reynolds
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
My dogs might be mad at me for saying something nice about a cat, but I LOVE this!
Thanks Elin. I won't breathe a word to your dogs.
i traced one of my cats once, this reminds me of that. i love it, it's really charming.
Thanks very much Rachael. You must have very tolerant cats. Mine would never stand for being traced.
your paintings are very beautiful, very subtle in a way. Oils are a media I'm trying to master but have a hard time doing ;)
this cat reminds me of Jon J Muth and of course Zen art. Great work
Thanks Sorrentino,
It's always a pleasure to read a comment like that. After looking at your illustration work, I think it would be interesting to see what kind of oil paintings you would do--you have much more whimsy in you than I do.
i love your portrait work on panel. sorry i can't write more now. i would love to learn more about you and your work.
Thanks Christopher,
I took a quick glance at your blog and I'll definitely be back for a longer visit. Your confessional tone is not the norm among working artists--so it's a pleasure to read. Your location makes me wonder if someone I know from out east gave you my name.
Nice paintings. I'm a fellow daily painter and I was curious if you'd be interested in doing a reciprocal link exchange.
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You know I just notice that comment you left me about Joy Division and the Clash. I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you!Did you ever see the films? Gut wrenching! Love them.
It's nice to receive feedback from that posting since my inner geek is always looking for people to talk music with. I hope you are doing well!
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