
Portrait Study from Life

Jenna, portrait study, detail, oil on panel, by Shannon Reynolds
Jenna, portrait study, detail, oil on panel
This is a portrait study I began at a three-hour live session in Guelph and finished up in  the studio.  It's painted in oils on an 11" x 14" panel, pre-toned with a red oxide wash.

Jenna, Portrait study, oil on panel, by Shannon Reynolds
Jenna, portrait study, oil on panel, 11" x 14"
The afternoon sessions have some challenges, particularly the shifting light as the winter sun makes its quick descent.

Painting and Drawing from Life

Rachel, oil on panel, 11" x 14" by Shannon Reynolds
Rachel, oil on panel, 11" x 14"

I've recently discovered a life drawing group offering a regular, three-hour, single-pose session, which allows me the luxury of painting from a live model.  It's great for for forcing a broader, more economical painting style.

And here are some drawings from the regular format life drawing sessions, which typically begin with quick gestures and progress to longer poses:

Jenna, gesture drawing, charcoal on paper, by Shannon Reynolds
Jenna, gesture, vine charcoal on paper

Jenna, gesture, charcoal on paper, by Shannon Reynolds
Jenna, gesture, vine charcoal on paper

Jenna, gesture, charcoal on paper, by Shannon Reynolds
Jenna, gesture, vine charcoal on paper
Portrait, charcoal and chalk on gessoed paper, by Shannon Reynolds
Jenna, chalk and charcoal on gessoed paper
portrait, charcoal and chalk on gessoed paper, by Shannon Reynolds
Govan, chalk and charcoal on gessoed paper

portrait, charcoal and chalk on gessoed paper, by Shannon Reynolds
Govan, chalk and charcoal on gessoed paper